Research Background: French Literature, Gender Studies and Textual Genetics
After undergraduate and graduate studies in French literature and then women’s studies at the universities of London, Paris and Oxford, I went on to complete a DPhil in French literature at St. John’s College, Oxford. My thesis focused on the theme of women in Stendhal’s fiction in light of the notion of ‘construction’ and drew strongly on both feminist literary criticism and textual genetics.
My post-doctoral work with the Equipe Manuscrits de Stendhal focused substantially on the manuscripts of Stendhal’s theatrical texts. During my time working with this research group, I also contributed to general reflection about the critical edition of Stendhal’s manuscripts and produced collaborative research on his life-writing.
More broadly, I have given papers and published articles on nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century literature. A complete list is available here.
Current Research: Translation Studies
I am now engaged in research in the field of translation studies, thinking critically about my professional practice as an academic translator in which I mainly translate French social science and humanities research from French to English. Broadly speaking, I am interested in examining the specific features of translating in the academic field and the specific challenges encountered when engaging in this act of mediation between two research cultures with very different epistemological traditions and therefore very different norms, assumptions, and values. I also wish to explore some of the consequences of the increasing use of English as an academic Lingua Franca.
With Katharine Throssell ‘La traduction en sciences sociales, miroir des réformes de la recherche universitaire’, introduction and questions Annabelle Allouch and Camille Noüs, Savoir/Agir 53 (September 2020): 39-53.
‘Traduire les sciences humaines et sociales du français vers l’anglais : enjeux, défis, apports’, Biens symboliques/Symbolic Goods, n°7 (2020).
Talks and seminars
31 October 2019, ‘Traduire les SHS françaises pour des revues anglo-américaines’, ATESS workshop ‘Traduire pour les revues en SHS : contextes, acteurs, enjeux’, Paris, EHESS.
22 February 2019, ‘The Realities of Professional Translation. Working as a Freelance Academic Translator’. Talk for undergraduate students at Oxford Brookes University's ‘Employability Week’.
31 January 2019, ‘Un mot pour un mot ? La valeur de la traduction’. Participant in a round table about the value of translation organised for the ‘Nuit des idées’ as part of the seminar ‘Penser en langues’, Paris, EHESS.
19 January 2019, ‘Spécificités, défis et apports de la traduction en SHS : le cas de la traduction du français vers l’anglais’, paper given at the ATraSS seminar, a monthly workshop in social science translation, Paris, EHESS.
28 November 2018, ‘Translating Research Cultures. The French Social Sciences and Humanities in English’, paper given at the ‘Translating Cultures’ seminar, at the University of Exeter.
30 March 2017, ‘La traduction en sciences sociales et humaines’, Masterclass ‘Métiers de la traduction’, University of Rouen, France.
Other events
Co-organisation of the ‘Long Table on Translating Identities’ as part of the University of Exeter's event TRANSLATION! A Festival of Languages in Motion.